Gold Medal Skills Academy

Effective Study Planning: Master Your Schedule for Success

study planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” (Benjamin Franklin).

Planning your study and using study methods and strategies will make a huge difference to the results you get.

Not knowing how to plan it could lead to:

  • Stress and anxiety. The feeling of the deadline to exams are fast approaching and not being confident that you have done the work needed.
  • Procrastination. That there are a lot to do and not knowing how to get the work done.
  • Lack of information retention. You find it must remember the information after a study/ revision session.

By learning different study planning techniques, you can:

  • Stop the feeling of being stress and anxious about exams.
  • Give you motivation to get the work done.
  • Increase your confidence as you will have covered the material.
  • Improve memory as you will have learned different learning strategies and methods.

Learn to influence the outcome of any exam by planning the steps it takes to get the grades.


Topics covered in the session:

  • Controlling your environment.
  • Memory techniques.
  • How and when to use them.

1-hour session.

Extras, you will get these as part of the session:

  • A handout

Call me now on 020 3078 9826 for more information.